Project Planning and Management

Ensuring the Success of Your Architectural Projects


Improving Business Relationships in Project Planning

Donoghue Project Consulting LLC in Pittsburgh, PA aims to enhance business relationships among building owners and their design and construction teams.
To help various professionals in the industry, we provide services that include:

Mission Statement

Every building project, be it a small renovation or major new construction, has three essential parties – Client, Designer & Builder. There are many ways to organize the parties and deliver the project. Some are very complicated but all must address the roles of those three parties. And, must be client focused.

The designers and builders work on projects every day. They understand what it takes, they have a process and a language. Large clients with multiple facilities and frequent projects also understand, speak the language, and have their own processes.

Most clients of the design and construction industry build once, or infrequently.

The mission of Donoghue Project Consulting, LLC is to lift our clients onto the playing field and coach them through the game. We join the client team as subject matter experts in buildings, planning and project management. We work on projects every day. We understand what it takes to be an effective client. We have worked as Client, Designer, Planner, Builder, Code Official, Project Manager, Subject Matter Expert, Consultant and Consultee. We speak all of those languages – we translate!

Our mission is to provide the understanding, the experience, and the expertise to coach our Clients to a successful project completion. We translate our Clients’ needs into objectives the design and construction industry can respond to, and we translate industry language and culture to assure clear Client expectations.

Get in Touch With Us

We have filled various roles in overseeing hundreds of successful construction plans. To learn more about Donoghue Project Consulting LLC, contact us today.